What Type of Lawyer Handles Swimming Pool Accidents

Sadly, swimming pool injuries and drowning deaths occur at a very high rate. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that everyday there are at least 10 pool related injuries or deaths that occur. What is even more alarming is the fact that 20 percent of these incidents occur to children under the age of 14, and of that 20 percent, a majority of the events happen to children between the ages of one and four.

In most cases, a personal injury attorney would handle a case surrounding a pool injury or drowning death. However, some of these cases can become complicated and may be in the best interest of the injury victim or their family to consider using a personal injury attorney that is very familiar with, or only handles, pool injuries or drowning claims.

— Injuries Associated with Pool Injuries and Drowning —

There are many different types of injuries that can occur in a swimming area. However, head trauma from falling and brain damage from loss of oxygen while underwater are the most common injuries. People who are submerged under water and become oxygen starved can suffer with one or more of the following issues:

Learning disabilities
Limited brain functions
Loss of use of one or more limbs
Speech problems
Hearing problems
Personality changes usually resulting in quick temperedness
Organ damage
Permanent serious brain damage

Additional issues may arise from these types of injuries that are less common based on the individual that suffered the injury.

Many of these injuries require life-long therapy and care. Individuals that have been injured in a swimming pool or hot tub area accident and their families should seek competent legal representation to seek compensation to cover the costs of care.

— Factors That Contribute to Drowning Deaths and Pool Injuries —

Pool areas can be dangerous, especially for children. There are many reasons that a pool injury or drowning can occur. Some of the more common reasons include;

Failure to place a safety cover or fence off the pool area
Failure to keep pool area fence locked
Lack of adult supervision around to pool at all times
Lack of warning signs around the pool area
Failure to provide lifeguards for public swimming areas
Failure to mark the depths correctly in the pool

It should be note that accidents and drownings involving children under four years old occur most often in their own home.

— Pool Safety Tips —

The effects of injuries associated with pool injuries are often suffered for a life time. Taking a few simple precautions may allow you to avoid the tragedy of pool related injuries or accidental drownings.

-If you own a pool, make sure that everyone in your home can swim. You can begin with lessons for children as young as six months.

-Establish pool rules. These rules should include:
oNever swimming without an adult present
oNever swimming alone
oNo diving, even in the deep end of the pool
oNo running around the outside of the pool
oStay away from the pool cover always
oAlways keep pool chemicals locked away

-If your pool is located outside, you will want to have a four foot fence with a gate that can be locked installed around the pool. You may also wish to lock the gate to your backyard. You must take precautions against neighborhood children entering your pool without your knowledge.

-Take a pool safety class and know how to properly perform CPR. This will be very helpful if an accident should occur. In fact, everyone who is old enough in your household should have CPR training.

— The Statute of Limitations —

When you have been injured in a pool related accident, or if your loved one lost their life to an accidental drowning, you must understand that there is a limited amount of time for you to seek compensation.

The Statue of Limitations are laws that are in place that limit the amount of time a person has to seek compensation for a personal injury. These limitations vary from state to state and can be as little as six months from the time of the injury. On average, the Statute of Limitations for seeking compensation for a personal injury is two years.

If you do not file a claim for compensation before the Statute of Limitation expires, you will not be able to seek compensation for your injury and losses. It is important to speak with a personal injury law firm about your rights as soon as possible after an accident occurs so that your rights as a victim are protected.

— Speak to a Lawyer Immediately About Your Rights —

If you or your loved one has been injured in a pool or spa related incident, you may have specific rights to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. You will want to talk to a lawyer who is knowledgeable about these types of cases and their respective injuries. During your initial consultation, it will be explained what rights you have as an injury victim and what types of compensation you are entitled to under your state laws.